Automated Order Creation Application

Requirements Overview

When dealing with the large number of orders required to satisfy the demand of a tough manufacturing schedule, the day to day administration can sometimes become a burden and take up valuable resources.

Solweb were approached to create an Automated Order application for use with 123insight which would automatically generate both works orders and purchase orders based on sales order demand, and automatically determine existing stock levels and resource demand.


By analysing current sales orders, the application gathers data on the supply and demand of each product as well as various product specific information such as minimum batch size and order multiples. Taking these into consideration, the Automated Order Creation Application then suggests quantities of each part, including items within the Bill of Materials. The user can then specify suppliers for purchase orders, completion dates, required dates and modify the suggested quantity to suite their needs.

Once accepted, the application will use the Software Development Kits (SDK's) available in 123insight to raise any purchase or works orders selected. This process can be tracked and any issues can be identified as the application generates a fully logged paper trail.


After only a month of use, it has reportedly saved the customer more than 2 days a week in administration time and resulted in a dramatic reduction in order creation errors.

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